Self Expression Magazine

…be a Little Illogical

Posted on the 16 November 2011 by Zer @the2women

…be a little illogical

...or whimsical?

With another momentous, magical movie moment fast approaching I thought it’d be a good idea to take a day and reflect on our powers of self-control (or lack there of).

I am of course referring to the impending doom…I mean release…of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part I” this Friday.  I’m sure tween parents everywhere rejoiced the day they decided to split the final book into two movies.

Although I mock, and maintain that the series should have ended tragically,   I also assure you that 2WC will of course be seeing both installments of the final book.  We’re suckers for a fantasy series, and apparently we can’t help it, it’s science.

Yes, that’s right tweens, there’s a biological explanation for your Edward and/or Jacob addiction.  Personally, I’m on team Harry (Go Gryffindor!).

I’m not talking about hormones.  I’m talking about enjoyment of the fantastic, in the true sense.  A recent study (you knew it was coming) shows that some people can’t handle fantasy.

“Those People,” as we shall henceforth be referring to them as, need logic or they lose interest, or at least can’t follow.  If we were speaking in Star Trek terms, which we are now, that would make them Vulcans.

You may think that using sci-fi terminology to explain the inability of “Those People” to enjoy fantasy is a little redundant, not to mention cruel to “Those People.”  However, according to the parameters of the study, sci-fi does not follow under the genre of fantasy.

You see, sci-fi, generally has a logical explanation, even if the logic provided only applies within that fictionalized universe it is still explained. Fascinating.  Right? Congratulations.  You have been Mr. Spocked.

Therefore it’s possible to like fantasy and sci-fi, but enjoying one does not mean you’ll enjoy the other.  It may seem improbable that you would enjoy tales about zombies, vampires, and wizards , but shun the thought of bending the rules of time and space, not to mention ridiculous.  Ah well to each her/his/”Those People’s” own.

No word yet as to whether there’s a connection between an affinity for the genre of fantasy and high-frequency squeals and the strong desire to draw hearts on poster board.  I’m sure those results are soon to follow.


“You can’t help loving (or hating) ‘Twilight,’ study suggests”: MSNBC

…bi-daily smile…

This show is relevant to so many things in life…

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