Self Expression Magazine

…be Blinded by Science

Posted on the 22 April 2017 by Zer @the2women

…be blinded by scienceThis Earth Day, across the country and around the world, we march for science.

We march for those who live by its laws, those who fear it, those who distrust it, and even those aim to discredit it.

We march because ignoring scientific facts for the sake of short-term gains, does not make those facts go away, but it does set us on a track for some long-term, devastating consequences.

We march because science, unlike Tinkerbell, does not need belief to survive, but it does need support to overcome the obstacles we face.

We march because we (that means all of us) are facing global issues and science doesn’t care about borders, nationalities, or party alliances.

We march for those of you who question science, applaud your need for evidence, and implore that you seek it out. It’s there. You’re right to not take claims at their word, and right to want to understand. So, make like the scientific method and test those claims, explore, challenge, and find your answers. That’s the very spirit that moves us and science forward.

…bi-daily smile…


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