Happy National Grammar Day! Or as I like to call it, National Yes Grammar Is Still Important Day!
Fair warning, I’m about to get on my soapbox.
In this post-truth world of alternative facts, a lot of people would like you to believe that grammar isn’t important, or worse, is a waste of time.
Grammar is more than just a list of rules you’re forced to memorize in school. It’s a guide on how to clearly communicate. It not only allows you to clearly convey a message to others, but allows you to understand what others are trying to say.
Given the current state of communication between certain parties, I would argue that not only is grammar far from irrelevant, it’s more important now than ever before.
With that, I’ll get off my soapbox. Remember to communicate clearly on this, National Grammar Day, and every day…and maybe throw in a little kindness too.
…just for fun: