Self Expression Magazine

…be Good (for Goodness’ Sake)

Posted on the 22 November 2011 by Zer @the2women
…be good (for goodness’ sake)

...he's making a list and checking it twice, and you're not on it. Back of the line!

With the economic state of things being what it is, everyone’s having to make a few adjustments this holiday season.

For some that may mean tightening their belts a bit, but Santa has a different plan.

All I can say is you better start counting your pennies kids.  If you want to get in to see Jolly Old Saint Nicholas  (in a reasonable amount of time) it’s going to cost you.

This Christmas, coming to a shopping center near you:  Santa’s Fast Pass!!!

That’s right boys and girls, for a mere $2.50 service fee (plus the pre-ordering of a photo package) you and your child can cut in the line to see Santa.

Because what embodies the Christmas spirit more than getting ahead in life(literally) by paying someone off.

Looks like someone has been getting financial advice the firm of Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge (it came so highly recommended).

Apparently the beta testing with the Easter Bunny last spring went well, and word got to the North Pole.  Although if you ask me, whoever thought this was a good idea must have been “hopped up” on something.

What can I say?  Clearly Kris Kringle is having a rough year, what with the economic downturn and all.  The sleigh and eight tiny reindeer may fly by magic, but do you think those toys make themselves?

Elf labor costs money kids (tiny magical creatures eat too).  So cough up the extra cash or your going to be waiting in that line that stretches around the food court three times.

…be good (for goodness’ sake)

...he sees you...the holidays today--they're a whole different Animal!!!

This holiday season you can teach your child all the important life lessons.  Sharing spirit (check). Goodwill towards man (check).  Patience is a virtue, which can be circumvented by paying off the guy in the jingle hat (check).

I’m all for starting that financial education early in life, but greasing the palms of the elves in Santa Land, seems a little sketchy.

So, yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus, but you’re going to have to wait an extra twenty to thirty minutes while these children, who clearly have parents that love them more, get to cut in front of you.

…and better not pout, you have to get to baking, he’s still expecting those milk and cookies.

Muppet countdown: 8 hours and 45 minutes…44 minutes…43 minutes…42 minutes…41 minutes


“Cut In Line For Santa”: Newsworks

For details you can visit their Web site:

…bi-daily smile…

Click This: saturday-night-live-weekend-update-really-with-seth-and-kermit

…and some holiday Muppets:

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