Self Expression Magazine

…Be Inspired

Posted on the 08 April 2018 by Zer @the2women

…Be InspiredHappy Olivier Sunday! That’s Olivier as in the Olivier Awards. Which are the Tony Awards of the UK. And the Tony’s are, of course, the Oscars for Broadway.

Now that we’re all caught up, today is all about celebrating the theater. It may seem like it’s all about “Hamilton,” they are nominated for 13 awards (#Hamiliviers / #Oliviltons), but I promise it’s about all the theater. There are other shows out there that are just as good, just as inspiring, and some that you might even enjoy more.

I know, that’s borderline musical theater blasphemy, but it’s true.

While the theater means different things to different people, at its heart it is pure inspiration. With that in mind, this #SundayFunday is all about feeling inspired. So, sit back relax and enjoy a few videos of some of this year’s musical nominees…

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