The Internet is sometimes a dark place, but today it's a little brighter thanks to the latest "challenge."
Before you freak out that your friends are about to ask you to voluntarily eat laundry detergent or jump out of a moving vehicle, you should know that this one is actually adorable.
If you're still worried, just look at the name - the #MatildaChallenge.
Yes, it is that Matilda. No, it doesn't involve superglue or telekinetic pranks. However, it does involve a little imagination and a few friends who are willing to hangout under tables or behind curtains.
Where did it come from? Who knows, but it's a nice reminder of the fact that the Internet isn't a completely horrible place, and that outside of the inter-webs there's always plenty of joy to be found.
More on the Story: TIME
...just for fun: