Self Expression Magazine

…Be Paw-some

Posted on the 29 October 2016 by Zer @the2women

National Cat Day - Halloween

Happy National Cat Day! Yes, that’s right, this year this purr-fect holiday falls on a Saturday, which means it’s officially Cat-urday.

I could keep going with the cat puns, that truth is cats are a polarizing pet. You either love them or you think they’re pure evil. While you’re entitled to your own opinion, I will point out that entire civilizations have considered cats to be gods.

Most of them are darn near untrainable, but they’re also incredibly smart. Which is why I choose to remain on their good side…something to think about, people who think they’re pure evil.

No matter how you feel about them, today is still National Cat Day, which means the cat lovers get to show a little extra love and the cat haters should at least show some respect (or watch their backs).

…just for fun:

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