Self Expression Magazine

…Be Right Back

Posted on the 23 May 2019 by Zer @the2women
…Be Right Back

Memorial Day weekend is quickly approaching and with it a first for the 2WC. For the first time ever, we're giving ourselves the weekend off.

I'll admit, the mere thought of not "being productive" for two days has me panicking slightly, but there are different kinds of productivity...or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Honestly, a few days of genuine, screen-free life are long overdue and a holiday weekend seems like the perfect excuse. So, we're disconnecting for a few days and giving our fellow crusaders the opportunity to do the same.

Okay, I'm just going to rip the bandaid off and keep this short. Hope you have a great weekend. Whatever you need to do (or not do), I hope it gets done (or doesn't). See you next week.

P.S. - It's Red Nose Day in the U.S. today, so maybe consider donating here.

P.P.S. - There's an asteroid with its own orbiting moon passing by this weekend ...if you're looking for an excuse to stare at the sky instead of your screen.

P.P.P.S. - Don't worry, we'll have a Flick Friday for you tomorrow.

P.P.P.P.S. - Just wanted to say one last goodbye, for now. See you soon.

...just for fun:

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