Self Expression Magazine

…be So Fetch

Posted on the 03 October 2017 by Zer @the2women

…be so fetch

Today we celebrate an obscure but beloved holiday, Mean Girls Day. Yes, that “Mean Girls,” the 2004 cinematic classic. (That’s coming to Broadway in spring 2018!)

The beauty of this movie is that everyone loves it for different reasons. But today I think it’s important that we remember the lesson of “Mean Girls.” Hint: It’s not fashion…

…be so fetch

…or the secret to a healthy, balanced diet…

…be so fetch

…or humility…

…be so fetch

…or how to pursue a career in meteorology…

…be so fetch

…and it’s definitely not about making fetch happen…

…be so fetch

I’ll let Ms. Fey explain…

And now Ms. Lohan…

Yes, the lesson of “Mean Girls” is to be kind, and I think it’s one we could all use right now.

…be so fetch

So, in conclusion: Be nice.

And definitely always get the cheese fries…

…be so fetch

…bi-daily smile…


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