Self Expression Magazine

…Be Worthy

Posted on the 07 May 2019 by Zer @the2women

…Be WorthyIt's Teacher Appreciation Day and (as usual) I have a few things to say. Let's start with a simple question - where would we be without the teachers in our lives? It's impossible to know, but safe to say it would be nowhere we would want to be.

Teachers do more than teach us to read, write, and calculate a fair tip (sorry, different crusade, but tip your waiters), they lay a foundation for a life of learning and relentless curiosity. At least the good ones do.

Teaching is a thankless job that sadly is undervalued. These superheroes are tasked with passing on knowledge to the next generation. Without them, society would cease moving forward. We would stagnate and devolve...and you wouldn't realize that I just said the exact same thing in three different ways (dramatic emphasis, my friend).

My point is that teachers are literally the best, whether they're the ones in the classroom or the ones who selflessly take the time to teach us lessons of the everyday variety. They deserve so much more from us as a society, and they certainly deserve our appreciation today and every day.

To the teachers out there, thank you for all that you do. We see you and appreciate you.

To the students (both current and former), thank a teacher either today or any day. Let them know that you see what they do for you and others every day. Show them that you are worthy of their time and effort.

...just for fun:

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