One of my uncles (a family friend) recently gave me an article from the Mayo clinic’s health letter. The article is titled “Mindfulness”(read it here), and it is the exact opposite of mindlessness. It is a very interesting and very useful article. I have been reminding myself about the technique described in this article when I am feeling really low or hopeless. It helps very much though I need a lot more practice.
When I feel stressed and start questioning why all bad things happen to me, mindfulness helps me to accept the present situation and not worry over the past or the future. It made me stronger and stand up for myself during some of the tough times (which I will be narrating in a different post) I faced recently. It also made me realize that the power is within me. I and I alone am the maker and the breaker of my future. It provides a philosophical approach to deal with the exterior forces that are bothering me and helps me be more accepting of everything external to me. I believe that my attitude/view is the only thing I can truly change in this world.
I recommend reading this to anyone who has been going through stressful times and are in need of some support/comfort. Stress is a cause for many health conditions and so decreasing stress can improve overall health. I like sharing health-related stuff with you because it is such a big part of my life.
Comment down below to let me know what you think or try applying this in your daily life and let me know if it helps.
Read my other health related post here