Self Expression Magazine

…believe in Magic

Posted on the 26 June 2016 by Zer @the2women


Sunday Funday has become something of a tradition for us here at 2WC, and admittedly that quite often involves a viral video or two. However, today, the 19th anniversary of our introduction to the wizarding world of Harry Potter, I thought I’d take the opportunity to inspire at least a fraction of the amount of book loving that the boy wizard has brought into the world.

Nearly two decades later, it’s hard to imagine a Harry Potter-less world, in the 19 years since he’s gone from page to screen and now the stage, inspired college Quidditch leagues, built several theme parks, not to mention the millions of young readers that have poured through its pages and delighted in the tale. I can only image where he’ll go next.

So, in honor of the day, how about we all read a book? It can star the boy wizard or any characters of your choosing, just take a moment to read. Because a great book can make for just as Funday of a Sunday as a viral video. Enjoy!

…bi-daily smile…

Buzzfeed: 21 Things That Have Changed Since The First “Harry Potter” Book Came Out

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