Creativity Magazine

Blingity Bling Round Up!

Posted on the 26 December 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

A few months ago, I set up a little page for awards which keeps things orderly and timely– but it made me miss out on my favorite part of awards. I love answering the fun questions or responding, in my own way, to the things people list about themselves.

So I’m dedicated to tackling the awards Round Up style. I’ll answer one questions or respond to one thought shared from any awards I’m lucky enough to receive throughout the course of whatever random time period I decide on.

  • June to July
  • August to October
  • This post: November to Now

If you’re in the mood to discover some new friends– and why wouldn’t you be? — clicking any of the following links will take you to amazing places.

Thanks again, wonderful folks, for the nominations.

I still hold a grudge with the B!l!o!g! of! t!h!e! Ye!a!r! award, so rather than doing any of these right, I’m just going to share a random gratitude with you. I am grateful for all the voices of the blogosphere. We are an exultant choir!
My favorite patterns are pinstripe, ditsies, and vermiculars.

Blingity Bling Round Up!DitsiesBlingity Bling Round Up!PinstripeBlingity Bling Round Up!Vermicular
I am grateful for wood carvers.  Many of my favorite things were carved by hand.
All my offline friends are rats, monkeys, dragons, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpios, or Virgos. At least one of those things.
My favorite quote changes from day to day, but this one is always in the top 10:

“Whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, a breeze goes round the world; when a speck of dust falls to the ground, the entire planet weighs a little more; and when you stamp your foot, the earth moves slightly off its course. Whenever you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in the pond; and whenever you’re sad, no one anywhere can be really happy. And it’s much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer.”
― Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth
I love Back to the Future.
My favorite number is 27.  I was born on a 27 so people often think it’s for that reason, but it’s not.  I just like the number.
I love-love-love sparkly things.  I am prone to wearing and decorating with dark colors, because they’re easier for me to match– but you’ll almost always see sparkle on me somewhere.
Things I love: Alphabetical order; butter; cats; dinosaurs; exclamation points; frell; ghost stories; heroes; invisibility cloaks; juxtaposition; kites; limericks; Muppets; nighttime, onomatopoeia, pattern, Qilin, Russian authors; semi-colons; tinsel; unicorns; Virgos; WordPress; Xena the Warrior Princess; yummy food; zoetropes.
I love Thursdays!
One time, in Wenatchee, I got myself stuck to a vending machine at a hotel.
I am grateful for Christmas movies. They brighten my year!
When I am in need of inspiration, I simply stop looking for it.  I find that inspiration sneaks up on you at the strangest of moments.
I could write diatribes against underwear.  It makes me insane. Statistics on the other hand bring me peace and joy.
I am grateful for the happily desperate way my kitties consume their treats.
I am grateful for eyebrows on cartoon characters.
My stress food is, without a doubt, potato chips. I can consume BAGS if I’m not watching myself.
I’m a little addicted to homemade silly YouTube dance videos.
I’m also addicted to Open Letters. A strange little factoid about this blog is that all my most popular posts are written in letter format.


What’s your YouTube-kryptonite? You know– the videos that you just can’t skip? Is there any similarity in your most popular posts?

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