Diaries Magazine

Blogging: Erhhhmergerd. Are You Stumped?

Posted on the 04 September 2014 by Lynne @lynneknowlton

Blogging 4

To be a badass, fearlessly authentic online entrepreneur, it takes work.  Hard work. And balls.  It takes balls to be a woman.  It takes balls to be a blogger.   It takes big balls to stand out in a crowded space of the internet.   Dude’s & dudettes, it just takes balls.

 Psssst.  Here’s a set of balls for you.

The good news :  It’s no secret that if we go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.  

Do it. 

Make it happen.

You are what you repeatedly do.

Do epic shit.

Do Epic Shit

To be an online entrepreneur is to have the gift of the voice of a blogger.  

The power that you hold in your blogging voice is magic.   It puts you into a whole new category.   A category that catapults you into this century.  A century that is filled with social media and buzz.  In the words of Gary Vaynerchuk, social media sells shit.  If you are holding a rotary phone right now, you are excluded from this convo.

Blogging is good.  Blogging is brilliant.  Blogging can be the hunky to your dory.

It’s the cream of the crop

A badass blogging course via @lynneknowlton

Even  If  The  Crop  Is  Hay

Being stumped, on the other hand, is not good stuff.   It is the opposite of good.  It’s worse than the opposite of good.

It is the O M to the G.  


To be stumped is to be worn out, burned out, just out.  Out to lunch. OUT.  It kinda sorta makes you want to throw up in your mouth a little.  Or throw something at someone.  Same thing.  But different.

I’ve had those-tire-kicking-grrhhh-blahhh pajama days where I’ve been stumped.  I’m fancy pants like that.  If I’m going to have  a bad day, I want to at least look good and lounge in yummers cotton.

Learn how to get out of a blogging slump @lynneknowlton

Stumped  In  A  Treehouse

I interrupt this blog post with something very important.  Jammies.

Design The Life You Want to Live @lynneknowlton

If you are going to lounge in la la land bedhead jammies may be the best supercalifragilisticexpialidocious thing on earth {{ even though the picture in the link makes the model look like a dork }}  I have monkey long arms and legs and they fit me like a charm.

Bedheads =  badass lounging AKA blogging.

K.  Nuff said, or you will be lounging in jammies all.the.live.long.day.

Lazy bones.

What happens when you are …Blogging 15


Stumped ?!!

I was stumped in a treehouse.  How the hell does that happen?  Excuse the pun.  Stupid pun.  I resisted the urge to sucker punch the pun in the face.

Blogging 12

I was stuck in the mud.  That, my friend, is blogstipation.  Frustration.  Maybe even a bit of constipation.  Yeah, I swear to never say that word again.

#Treehouse living & #blogging @lynneknowlton

Other Bloggers:

Ohhhhhhh, you know the ones.  The bloggers that make it seem like blogging is an actual piece of cake.

Mmm.  Cake.  Did someone mention cake?  I digress.

It’s not a freaking piece of cake, peeps <—- I screamed that, while contemplating tripping someone. 

Some bloggers can pop out blog posts all the time and make it seem like it’s no biggie.

I'm calling bullshit.  It's a biggie.

Blogging 16

If I popped out a blog post every day of the week, I’d probably pop out a hernia.   I’d be in the loony bin with heavy dosing of ‘scripts.’  I’d be surrounded by a rubber wall or two.

It takes a real pro-fesh-shun-al to pull off that sort of blogging and do it well.

Read more about the upcoming #blogging course @lynneknowlton


I do know one pro.  ONE.  ONE one One One ONNNNNE.

More on that later in the post.  Stay tuned.  Her name starts with K and rhymes with badass.  Kidding.  It rhymes with sumthin’ else.  I’m not telling you yet.  I like to keep you teetering on the edge of your seat.  You and I just roll like that :)

Oh sure, you can have a crap blog and it’s no biggie.  Then you grow.  The reality is that it takes years to grow an audience.   It is worth it, but you have to put in the time.  For many, it’s a dream to have a large audience reading their blog.

Learn how to find your field of dreams with #blogging

Dream big with your #blog

We need help to make those kind of dreams happen.  Blogging is a community.  You can’t spell team with an I.  So there.

Blogging = hard work.  It's hard to be funny, dammit.  haha.

Blogging rocks your socks.  That’s a good thing.  Yeah. 

Have you had this happen?  …. You miraculously muster up brilliant blog posts.  You are on a roll.  You think ‘great idea moonbeam, you are smart.’

You sing koombaya and do trust falls.

Then you fall on your face.

Ouch via @lynneknowlton


Good luck charm @lynneknowlton

Good Luck  With  That  One

The excitement of blog-ness bliss can short lived.  The internet works like that.  Your blog post can be old news before it is new news.

Whaaaaaaaaat?!  Exactly.  It confuses bloggers too.

Your eyes dart back and forth.  You start to look at other blogs and get all jelly jealous.  It kinda sorta makes you love and hate human beings all at once.

It’s probably just sleep deprivation.  Welcome to my world. It’s kinda nutty in here sometimes.

#Blogger tips : Eat.Write.Sleep.Rinse.Repeat. @lynneknowlton

Can you smell the sweet success of an online entrepreneur?

You want that success.  Oh yes you do.

How can you do it? How? How?  How dammit?  How?

Learn the path to success with the help of someone else who has walked in your footsteps.  Learn from the best of the best. 

A place to stop and smell the success

Just  Don’t  Stick  ‘Yer  Foot  In  The  Mud

Smoking hawt blogging tips:

Don’t be like all the rest.  Don’t just pop out a blog post because everyone else is doing it.  Write it because you have epic shit to share.  It’s good to be bad. Write it with a goal in mind.  Write it because it contributes to your blog monetization.  Write it because it makes a difference.  Don’t write about your perfect life.  That’s just annoying annnnnd life isn’t perfect.

How did I learn all that ?!!!  First, the hard way.  Then I met Karen.

Karen from the Art of Doing Stuff.

She has rocked my blogging world and taught me ooooh so very much.  Guess what?  She can rock your blogging socks too.

Blogging 18

A couple of years ago, I didn’t know jack squat about blogging.  In between my hot flashes, I couldn’t sleep one night.  Why?  I discovered Karen’s blog and stayed up for hours on end.  I blame her for the not-so-designer bags under my eyes.

Reading. Reading. Reading.

I read pretty much every single one of her blog posts.  It was like blog crack.   I was a smitten kitten.  It was official.  I was addicted to blog crack.

It was LOVE, in an oh so corn dog blogging way.   I knew I had met my mentor, even if she didn’t know it yet.  I was too frightened to even tell her.

Resources lynneknowlton.com20

Monkey see, monkey do:  

I wanted to create a blog that others would love too.  I cyber stalked Karen until she would kinda-sorta-be-my-friend. I dove deep into her blog, leaving comments in the hopes that she would somehow miraculously notice me.  Creepy, right?  Maybe I should have been handcuffed?!  Straightjacketed?  I dunno.  I just wanted to learn.  Grow my blog.  Mirror what I loved about the blogs around me.

Here’s the thing…

You can learn a whole heck of a lot by observing what you really like about other blogs.

A little here.  A little there.  Then suddenly you have found a place that is all your own.  Your blog.

Blogging 7

Look at other blogs and think …

What makes you tick?

What makes you want to throw mud?

What makes you jelly jealous?

Yup, even that jelly jealous stuff helps you to know what you love and hate.

Resources lynneknowlton.com5

What gets your mojo running?

What inspires you?

What stumps you?

Best news evahhhhh :

Karen is offering a 5 part blogging course!  She is freaking funny AND she is the real deal. Legit.  She tells it like it is.  A no bullshit kinda gal.  Like zero bullshit. Gawd I love the no BS zone.

It's all about the adventure.  The #blogging adventure

Make  it  Happen

Karen is teaching everything from growing traffic to monetizing your site.  It’s going to be freak balls amazeballs.

How do I know that?   I went from earning next to nothing to thousands of dollars on my blog from ONE tip from Karen.

Holy shit, batman.

You can sign up for her blogging course by clicking here or by clicking on the photo below :

#Blogging course:  I learned how to make thousands of dollars on my blog from ONE tip from Karen @artofdoingstuff   This will be a FAB course!!  Register before Sept 15.  #video #blog #howToBlog #monetize

Click  On   Photo  to   Read  More  Deets

If you register and can’t keep your sleepy butt awake past 8pm … no worries… the entire course will be recorded and you can watch it to your hearts content whenever your heart is content.

On your sleeping terms.

While in bed head jammies.

Not that I would do that.  I’m totally going to do that.

Resources lynneknowlton.com13

You will no longer be stumped.


You blogging goddess, you.

You’ll be so inspired about things, you’ll pop your spanx wide open.

Just get out there and do epic shit.

P.S.   Looking for me?  You can find me here on instagram, where I’m not-so-secretly stalking a bunch of other people who I wish were my friends.  I need a back up plan for when Karen discovers that I’m a cyber stalker.   I call it my weird-o plan.  Hmmm.


Want more?  Sign up here and make sure you don’t miss out on the literary magnificence that I share.  Let me seduce you with word lusciousness.  I’ll give you a free instantly downloadable book as a way of saying thanks.

Buckle up, your inbox will never be the same.

How to #create #beautiful #photos via @lynneknowlton

Click  on  Photo  For  Your  Free  book

Talk to me.  I like to talk.  I’m a big mouth.

Ask me your burning blogging questions by entering them in the comments below.   Let’s set this blogging thaaaaang on fire.  If you stump me, we can reserve the question for Sept 15th and take a run at stumping Karen. Yeah.  I feel a challenge coming on.

this is where the real conversation begins

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