I daily spend ten percent of my day's time on roads.Indian roads are actually very interesting to observe,and you can,sitting in your air- conditioned cars, easily pass time by observing them.Apart from motorbikes and cars, you will find many other road-species like manually driven wheel carts, loading trucks, tractors, and even black, white,sometimes red cows,that too varying from a new born to an old one. One can see stray dogs waiting at the road side to cross the roads.One can also see people selling different kinds of things from your make-up box to some spicy dish.Driving a vehicle in these conditions actually requires more skills than are required to get a driving license. It requires a man to be bold enough to drive with so many road species, and that too when he is supposed to follow the traffic rules.While driving, I generally see, a driver of the other car driving and overtaking the other vehicles from so minute spaces that it left me wondering that how could one even think to drive like this.
At the end the car is gone safely with no damage to other vehicles as well. It is not only about the drivers of those cars but about the animals as well. They remain standing at the middle of the road no matter how fast a vehicle comes to them. They are always so sure in their minds that vehicles will change their path and will not do any harm to them. I sometimes get forced to take inspiration from these roadside animals.
My office is close to 60 kms from my home, and I daily have this chance of 120 kms to experience this roady feeling. People generally ask me that how can I travel daily without a back ache problem and I just give them that smile as how can I explain them what happens on road. It is not that no one has a problem of back ache, there are colleagues who have a problem but they have made arrangements to comfort their backs.
There is one thing that I observe and don't understand is about the people who have shops on the highway. I sometimes assume myself being the owner of one of those shops and waiting for a customer with every passing vehicle. I only have the ability to think this but I can't work like this. In reality I feel people in this kind of work develop so much patience which can help them to achieve anything of their wish. I sometimes wish to have the taste of their highway experiences to actually learn from them about the greatest virtue of human nature, patience. We at times take a break in shops of this kind for tea and snacks and I never miss a chance to talk to those people. They do not the understand the reasons of my questions but they always give a very good response to my questions.
These roads have given me very good experience of this kind and I expect that they will continue to do the same.These roads have now become an important part of my life as they in reality teach me to be bold and real.
Image Source:Google