Nostalgia took over me last week when I went through my digital bookshelf. I cherished the wisdom of non-fiction and relived the prominent and splendid characters of the legendry fiction books. Some books, I felt, I could have read at a younger age. My books, certainly represent my thought process, and it gave me goosebumps to think if I would have read that book in my younger self or teenage days. Have I chosen another path for my life? Have I taken another decision? I can not explain them now, nor can I imagine the course of my thought process.
But what I can do now is to share the list of books that I would want my younger self to read. Do not hesitate to click on the image to purchase any of these books.

I would categorize this as one of the eclectic books that illustrates how companies design tools, items, instruments and equipments for your day-to-day life, for example what designers consider designing a bathroom tap or a door handle. I chose this one from the reading list of the then Yahoo CEO Marrisa Mayer and I will always be grateful to let me read such an eyeopener of a book. It would amaze you to read that the product you find sophisticated in the expensive and luxurious hotels are not sophisticated but inadequately designed. The brand name of the company plays the game. Readers would realize the appropriate role of technology in their lives and the core message that the book shouts in every page is “Technology is there to simplify life and not sophisticate it for people”

This book is a certain addition in this list. I regret to read this one late in my life, and it could not do much for me. Teenage days is the appropriate time to read this book as it would give you the much required financial literacy. The author brings the concept to you in a novel way and shows you what rich dad teach his kids and what a poor dad can teach. It explains to the reader that how one should earn money and invest it for a longer and sustainable benefit.
This one is a fiction and a recent read. This wonderful book takes you in the life of a young boy who has a disfigured face, and tells you his unkind experience in the kind and effluent society. The book explains the emotions running through the kid’s mind and his family members. It shows how people treated an abnormal kid in his day to day life and what life looked to him. It could expose readers in their early age to this different thought process and they in their early age can become aware and sensitive about this prevalent issue in our society.
I was earlier unsure if this one would make to this list but then the message from the book is important for anybody to know as earliest in their lives as possible. The book tells you that nobody is born genius, but they have grown in their lives into genius minds. It is the nourishing, enriching environment and culture that make people genius. It talks about lives of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and many others who are the most successul people today. It talks about what they did and opportunites they have because of the culture around them. This one’s a confidence booster for anybody who reads it.
This is one of those books that changed my life and inspired me for the longest time. I read it several times and I must admit it changed my thinking process to some extent. I would want this one to read at my younger age. I used to go back to this book repeatedly to solve a problem my life. It makes me feel delighted to think about those days. The age to read this book should be the one when a person starts to understand written language.
One of the best thrillers I have ever read is The Da Vinci Code. This was my second book I read, and it became my inspiration to continue reading. I remember I used to think if books are so good then why not to continue reading other books? I would have entered this imaginary world of fiction a long time back if I would have had my hands on this book. Most of the readers would know that Dan Brown takes into that world of science, technology, religion and mysticism. Along with the thrilling adventure, one also gets to read the history and facts that one can not find it anywhere.
How can I forget and miss the Godfather, the great Vito Corleone. I read this book 10 years back and one of those things I remember from this book is the legendry Godfather, Vito Corleone. The character sketch of Vito Corleone was so intense, intriguing and powerful that it became unforgettable. The Godfather taught me how to use and control power. It is always good to know the plus and the minus of power at an early age. Although, this is a fiction, but every fiction represents the thought process of the author who writes it. You got to read the thought process of those outstanding personalities. This is also one of those books that I would like to read again just to feel the power of Vito Corleone. Read my other book reviews from this link.Happy Reading :)