Happy Winter Solstice! Yes, that’s right today is the first day of winter. With all the holiday hoopla it may have escaped your notice that it was actually still autumn.
If the official arrival of winter has you feeling down, I have some good news. Today is the shortest day of the year, daylight wise. Bummer, I know. The good news is, that means it’s only getting brighter from here. That’s something, right?
If brighter days ahead doesn’t put a little more pep in your step, then try to remember all the good things about winter. There’s snow, hot chocolate, snow days (occasionally), twinkling lights, fuzzy socks, scarves, winter boots, and if all else fails, there’s Netflix.
Still not convinced? Well, then no judgment. I suppose winter isn’t for everyone. Have a lovely hibernation. Us winter enthusiasts will enjoy our season, and see you in the spring.
…just for fun:
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