Or rather Saturday, but this post was supposed to go live yesterday.
I'm just checking in with you guys. How is everyone? If any of us here in Paris thought we were getting an early spring, we've been informed otherwise by the weather Gods. It's cold, ice winds are blasting down the rues and the snow has returned! Brrr!
I've been quiet this week in the "sphere" because there is a lot going on! Here's a rough recap of events to be fleshed out in later posts to come.
First off as some of you know, my mom is in town this week with her boyfriend. I'm leaving them to do sightseeing and such, which is great because they're really getting to know the town and how to get around without me. Well I believed that until they told me that they were over by Le Louvre, made a "wrong turn" and ended up at the Arc de Triomphe Saint Martin in the 10th. That must have been a pretty long wrong turn.
Also, I've started the wedding dress hunt! To be continued....
Next week starts Paris Fashion Week and taking a leap outside of my usual showroom duties, I decided this year that I wanted to go to the shows where all the action is. If you ask, you shall receive. While the invites to Vuitton, Miu Miu and Chanel didn't come pouring in, I managed to score tickets to some of the smaller shows which I'm extremely grateful for. Look out for my Paris Fashion Week diary starting next week!
And now we're off to spend the weekend at Gilles and Françoise's, and to meet with some of our vendors and the caterers for the wedding. I wish you all a lovely weekend and will fill you in on all of these exciting things (plus my new project!) when I come back up for air! Bon week-end!
Also, check out my tongue-in-cheek guide of the arrondissements for Paris first-timers on Memoirs of a Young Adventuress!