Here at TTAB, I’m just about never opposed to showcasing a fellow bartender who (a) consistently displays mad mixology skillz or evident bartending experience and (b) has upped their social media game somthin’ special, putting their unique personalities front and center. Like many a [straight] walking penis, I’m particularly enamored when said barkeep happens to be.. ehem… hot. So it is with great pleasure that I “discovered” Ms. Casey Young recently and highlight this pretty young thing for your viewing pleasure.
Unfortunately – like a couple of other uber-attractive media moguls of the Interwebs – she does her thang and resides on the Wrong Coast. Alas, that 3000 mile thingee again keeps her unattainable prevents me from properly sampling her ample wares and personally evaluating her surely wondrous abilities (so to speak). So be it (for now).