This What to Watch Wednesday, I’d like to address the Cardinal Nation. How are you doing? It’s been a rough few days, right? I know, at moments like this, it can be easy to start bashing the Cubs, shut out all things postseason, and generally turn your back on baseball. It’s postseason grief. We’ve all been there (with the possible exception of Cubs fans).
Today is not about moving on, today is about outright denial, and I’m here to help with some new television recommendations to get your mind off baseball. Enjoy:
My current can’t miss new show has only had one episode. So if you did miss it, there’s ample time to remedy that. A show called “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” could have easily been an affront to women everywhere, but this show is so much fun and decidedly un-sexist (so far), I dare you not to fall in love. Did I mention it’s a musical?
Cardinal fans that live in the Chicago market had insult added to injury last night when the new episode of “The Muppets” was passed over for live coverage of Cubs fans freaking out (I believe “fun” was the buzzword of the night). Needless to say, it was a rough evening, because although I haven’t fully committed to “loving” this new side of the Muppets, I have already grown accustomed to the weekly visit with old friends:
Finally, while not technically a new show, a new host for “SNL” made all the difference this past Saturday night. Amy Schumer was incredible, and who doesn’t love a sketch about flight attendants who rewrite the lyrics to Spice Girls’ songs?
…bi-daily smile…