Happy post-Emmys Monday!
Scrambled Television Screen ca. 2000
" data-orig-size="353,480" sizes="(max-width: 353px) 100vw, 353px" data-image-title="Scrambled Television Screen" data-orig-file="https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=604" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"\u00a9 Trinette Reed\/CORBIS","camera":"","caption":"Scrambled Television Screen ca. 2000","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"\u00a9 Corbis. All Rights Reserved.","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"Scrambled Television Screen"}" data-medium-file="https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=604?w=221" data-permalink="https://the2womancrusade.com/2011/08/31/turn-it-off/scrambled-television-screen/" alt="" srcset="https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg 353w, https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=110 110w, https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=221 221w" class="alignright size-full wp-image-6345" data-large-file="https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=604?w=353" />If you missed last night’s awards, here’s a brief review — “Game of Thrones” did not win.If you don’t consider that an obvious statement, then you probably don’t follow the television scene that closely…congrats?
Seeing as it’s unofficially the beginning of the fall television season, and a Monday, I thought I’d do some TV-inspired Monday Motivation. Because what’s more inspiring than watching other people do thing while you sit on your couch?
On second thought, don’t answer that. After all, as an informed television viewer you know there’s more to watching television than mindlessly starring at your TV…most of the time.
Sometimes you can learn things about current events, and important issues. If the show happens to have a large pyrotechnics budget, that doesn’t make the information any less valuable. Everyone wins.
Other times a show can remind you that things are bad, but they’re not that bad. You can find clarity about issues in our world, by placing them in a different one.
Then there are times where a show is just fun, because we could all use a mental break now and then. And let’s face it, it’s nice to know there are other families out there that are just as crazy.
And yes, sometimes the show is about dragons (and power, and war, and female power, and you get the point). If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with him…
The point is, is more than sitting on your couch. It can inspire you to dream and to hope, and in some cases, it can even inspire you to get off the couch.
…just for fun: