Self Expression Magazine

#ChasingJoy Chat Recap: Self-esteme & Self-Confidence

Posted on the 11 November 2012 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Last weekend we had the #ChasingJoy Twitter chat.  It was great as usual.The topic was self-estem and self-confidence.  This topic was very relevant for me.  While overall I think my self-estem is healthy it could use a boost at times.  Confidence is one of those things that increases and decreases depending on the stuation.  Below are a few of my favoite tweets from the chat.

@chasing_joy A6 Words - whether written or spoken - have always been powerful in my life! #chasingjoy

— Create With Joy (@CreateWithJoy1) November 4, 2012

A7.I usually feel the most confident when I feel prepared and that I am looking and have done my best.#ChasingJoy

— Chasing Joy (@Chasing_Joy) November 4, 2012

@chasing_joy Q8 I think the best way to build confidence & self-esteem for children is to provide a stable loving environment... #chasingjoy

— Create With Joy (@CreateWithJoy1) November 4, 2012

Q8:Do you focus on self-esteem / confidence building with the children in your life? #ChasingJoy

— Chasing Joy (@Chasing_Joy) November 4, 2012

@chasing_joy Q9 My current challenge is realizing my worth comes from who I am, not what I do... working on God-esteem! #chasingjoy

— Create With Joy (@CreateWithJoy1) November 4, 2012

@chasing_joy: Q7:#ChasingJoy When Im surrounded by ppl who I know have my best interest at heart! I thrive on great energy from others!

— Aleea Slappy (@AHappySlappyinc) November 4, 2012

If you missed the chat I'll give you a chance to answer question #Q9. Is there 1 thing that you want/ need to work on to give yourself a self-esteem /confidence boost?

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