Self Expression Magazine

…chill out

Posted on the 11 January 2018 by Zer @the2women

…chill out

Crusaders, I have a bone to pick with the weather.

After a week of frigid temperatures, a lot of the country is staring down three days of 50-degree days, and I for one do not trust it. Not just because I’ve just fully regained sensation in my face…

…chill out

But also because it’s January, and January was not made for 50 degrees…

…chill out

January is for frozen faces…

…chill out

Contemplating whether three layers of pants is too many (it never is)…

…chill out

And learning fun facts about what temperature mascara freezes at…

…chill out

But fret not, the cold will return soon enough…

…chill out

I’m sure the extreme weather whiplash is nothing to worry about…

…chill out

…bi-daily smile…

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