Diaries Magazine

Christmas Special!

Posted on the 29 December 2014 by Vintagecountryrose @VintageCountryRose
Merry Christmas my vintage lovelies! I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas. 
We have a little treat for you all, a Christmas special photo shoot.
When we had our annual photo shoot this year, i'm not going to lie, the Christmas shoot took the longest by far, and went so far over its allotted time! Simply because the Christmas magic and fun overcame us and we spent ages just dancing and prancing around to the old Christmas classics. We tried to create the Christmas magic we felt inside and capture them in our photos.
People always say Christmas isn't all about the presents, boy are they right! There comes a time when the Christmas fairy tale of Santa Claus has faded, but for me the magic certainly does not! The Christmas magic continues. You may ask,
what is the Christmas magic then?
For me the definition of Christmas magic is in the joy of seeing family, the glorious food, the exchanging of gifts. But the giving of gifts isn't just about materialistic possessions, but about finding something that the person will adore, and love, and showing your care for the person. Its about the little things, the smiles on peoples faces, the new Christmas decoration on the tree, the Christmas smells that the whole rest of the year you don't even like and the little family traditions that create the warmth, joy and magic to Christmas. So.So we paid attention to the fun of Christmas, we didn't bother having a serious,professional shoot, we exploited the Christmas spirit of fun and joy. We said to our gorgeous models, have fun, listen to the Christmas music and smell the cinnamon candles and embrace the fun,
the colours, the smiles and cheer and love the camera as if your loving life.
So here you go, our little burst of a magical present to you all.

Christmas Special!  That Cute little couple, proving every Christmas song right!
Christmas = Looking awesome and proudly showing them accessories off!Christmas Special!You know those everlasting friendships. The three musketeers. They always gather at Christmas with smiles and grins!Christmas Special!The three beauts showing us how the vintage world has been modernized. Vintage styled lase , brightened up by the bold red color.Christmas Special!They are such little cuties! Sharing the gossip of the year...Christmas Special!Christmas Special!...and laughing the night away.Christmas Special!This is one of my absolute favourites. We said laugh, smile, giggle, pull a face, be who you are at Christmas time.Christmas Special!and they did!Those moments caught under the mistletoe...Christmas Special!Finding out what Santa brought you early in the morning!!Christmas Special!So there you have it, our bit of Christmas fun and joy! I hope you loved the photos as much as we enjoyed taking them, but the bar is set high! Thank you too all our lovely models for being so wonderful and up for a crazily hilarious Christmas Shoot!~MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVELIES~
Christmas Special!
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The photos used in this article are property of VCountryRoseCO.

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