Creativity Magazine

Clever Titles Are for the Rested.

Posted on the 25 October 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

If you are a parent and a blogger, and you somehow manage to find time to actually blog– I salute you.


I spent just a little over 16 hours babysitting, and I’ve been too knocked out to even turn on my computer, let alone blog something.


When I finally decided to crawl out of bed like a sloth version of King Kong trying to scale a building, I realized that my long slothy arms couldn’t catch any words.

Sloth Kong decides to take a nap.

Sloth Kong decides to take a nap.

I finally decided to just finish a post I had already started.  Easy, right?  My post about my Johari Window calls only for a few made up words, and a couple of graphics.  In other words, it’s 90% finished.  I told myself– just think of a made up word.  You can do this.  Think.

Fraggle!!  No wait.  That's a species.

Fraggle!! No wait. That’s a species.

Bilbo??! No wait, that's a name.

Bilbo??! No wait, that’s a name.

Sippy? No, no, that's the thing that the entire universe revolves around.

Sippy? No, no, that’s the thing that the entire universe revolves around.

My nieces are actually quite well-behaved.  They sit when you say sit.  They dance if you put on any music.  They laugh at pretty much any joke.   Still, it’s as if when I am around them– the entire proportions of the world change.

The four carpeted steps from my sister's living room to kitchen eventually start to feel like a climb like this.

The four carpeted steps from my sister’s living room to kitchen eventually start to feel like a climb like this.

Simply walking around the room, carrying one of them, feels like when I was a kid and pretended to walk on the moon.  Onnnnneeeee slloooowww steeeep.

Simply walking around the room, carrying one of them, feels like when I was a kid and pretended to walk on the moon. Onnnnneeeee slloooowww steeeep.

Picking up markers before someone paints their face or eats them makes me feel like a superhero with psychic powers.

Picking up markers before someone paints their face or eats them makes me feel like a superhero with psychic powers.

The nice part is that all that dramatized living turns me into a sort of hero. Right now, I completely identify with the self-satisfied, dazed smile of Buffy in the final episode.


Of course I’ve babysat before. I’ve been babysitting my whole life, in fact– and learning to live without a little one running around was one of the biggest adjustments I had to make in my married life.

This time was different only because I decided to do it without caffeine.


No wait, that doesn't make sense.

No wait, that doesn’t make sense.

No... I'm pretty sure science loves coffee.

No… I’m pretty sure science loves coffee.

There. That's better.

There. That’s better.

There you have it.  In summary, my friends:

Go away, chicken. We're done with that schtick now.

Go away, chicken. We’re done with that schtick now.

As I was saying– in summary, I leave you with these two thoughts.

1. This is me.



2. This is you.

I don't really understand it either, but Google swears it's the most amazing thing in the world.  The point is -- I salute you, for blogging in the midst of parenting, school, illness, and all other stuff that takes up way more time than people might guess.

I don’t really understand it either, but Google swears it’s the most amazing thing in the world. The point is — I salute you, for blogging in the midst of parenting, school, illness, and all other stuff that takes up way more time than people might guess. You are awesome and inspiring.


I can smell brewed coffee because my husband is a saint– so instead of leaving you with a question like normal, I’m going to rush through this and simply put a question mark at the end of this thought– and suggest that maybe this time, you ask me a question?

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