Self Expression Magazine

…Come Into Focus

Posted on the 24 October 2014 by Zer @the2women

into-the-woods-posterThis Flick Friday I’m dorking-out over the latest glimpse into Disney’s impending film adaptation of Sondheim’s “Into The Woods.” This week saw the release of some new publicity shots, and a new featurette with actual singing.

Needless to say, the Internet has had plenty to say, mostly about the films take on the wolf (played by Johnny Depp).

While I’m still mourning the loss of the musical’s original structure, which has the same actor as the Wolf and Cinderella’s prince, I have to say, the stylized take on the Wolf doesn’t bother me. In fact, I would argue that it makes sense, and matches the original material.

We are dealing with a fairytale world here, and the Wolf was never a literal wolf, so why not have him dressed in a ratty pinstripe suit and a fidora?

With just over two months to go until it’s release (FYI — that’s also how many shopping days are left until Christmas), it still looks like Disney hasn’t completely messed this up.

Yes, there’s a chance that they know their audience, and are buttering us up in hopes that it will blind us to the blatant Mickey Mouse influence. For now, at least, it looks like we’re in safe hands.
More on the Story: Entertainment Weekly

…just for fun:

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