
Conjugating “Ping” as a Verb

Posted on the 29 July 2011 by Legosneggos @LegosnEggos

Virtually all us bloggers make it our habit to ping.  In the blogosphere (do people even use that term anymore?), the credo is, “I ping, therefore I exist as a blogger.”  The word is a bona fide verb, even if we bloggers are a bit embarrassed to say it aloud among nay-bloggers.

My issue is with conjugating the word “ping.”  To use “pinged” sounds grammatically incorrect.  To ask myself on a regular basis, “Have I pung my blog today?” sounds much better.

Or how about “sync,” as in syncing/synching one’s device or files?  – is it sync, sanc, sunc?  I’m so confused. I know the truly corerct way would be to use “synchronization”‘s forms, but we’re creating new syntax here, so you got to play the game in full. So it just feels wrong to say, “‘Yes, I synced it. It has been synched.”  I would rather go the traditional homonymical (?) route  –  ”I sunc it. It has been a while since I sanc it.”

Or how about, “I have had so few views on this post. It has been a while since I pang!”

Swim, swam, swum…

Sing, sang, sung…

so, naturally, it’s ping, pang, pung.  Right?

Someone should call my heroine — trusty Grammar Girl — on this one.  This is how language rolls, you know.  Technology has its own evolving lexicon — remember “floppy” and “Pong?” lol — so why not include the verb “ping” in all its forms, in our vernacular, in the dictionaries?

This was just another non-productive tangential thought brought to you by LegosnEggos.  But I know that, among the perfectionists and wordsmiths out there, I’m not alone.

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