Diaries Magazine

Contest: Win $400 Cash

Posted on the 09 December 2012 by Ladymoxie @ladymoxie2012

Contest: Win $400 Cash

I have been joining contests and giveaways left and right for the last couple of months and Bay Area Mommy is among those that I regularly visit for them. Last month, she and her blogger friends teamed up to host this giveaway. Since the contest will end on December 16, I think it is still safe to feature it here.

The contest is open worldwide so click on the banner above to join.

My Kimcheed Life is in no way affiliated with these sponsoring sites unless expressly said so. Hence, My Kimcheed Life and yours truly cannot guarantee the authenticity of the featured contests/giveaways. I will just provide you with the links and the choice is up to you whether or not said contests/giveaways are legit.

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