Self Expression Magazine

…crunch the Numbers

Posted on the 09 October 2011 by Zer @the2women

…crunch the numbers

Let’s face it, the world is a confusing place.  If it’s not a strike, it’s oppression, a political scandal, famine, war, or celebrity drama.

It can be difficult to take the time to understand the minute details of everything going on in the world.

So today we’d like to help out with a dramatic posting of a 2WC original work.

It’s a one act (for now) play (with the ever-present possibility of a musical number or two) that takes an in-depth look at the Wall Street Protests of this past week, or for some of you, it’s a story about those people with posters in New York and those other places.

It’s a story of rags vs. riches spanning classes, states, and intellectual capacities.

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be informed.

And with that we present to you, the world premiere of…

…crunch the numbers

“99 to 1: The Occupy Wall Street Protests.”

Directors Note: In this our original workshop, the part of 99 will be played by Stephanie and the part of 1 by Zer…enjoy.

The Scene:  Across the United States of America—anger, confusion, turmoil—picket signs dot the landscape.  Confused onlookers scratch their heads.  In the midst of this chaos, 99 and 1 emerge.  Taking their places on opposite sides, they commence their dialogue.

99:  Sometimes I wonder 1…

1: Wonder what, 99?

99: I don’t know…

1: Ah, I see.

99: See what?

1: You wonder.

99: I do.

1: Do what?

99: Wonder.

1: Wonder what?

99: Ugh, now I’ve lost my train of thought.

1: Did you even have one to begin with?  I do, both literal and figurative.  Trains, that is.

99: I take the train.

1: Of course you do.  You’re good at that.

99: Good at what?

1: Taking.

99: What do you mean by that?

1: Sorry, next time I’ll write it on a poster board. (pause) I feel like we’ve gotten off track.

99: Will you get off the train metaphors. 

1: My apologies.  Please, proceed.

99: (sigh) (pause) I do wonder how so few came to have so much, and so many came to have so little. 

1: That’s beautiful.  Is that a poem?

99: I feel there’s a disconnect here.

1: Of course there is.

99:  Are you even listening?

1: What?  Sorry, I was wondering…

99: Wondering what?

1: How much do you want for that poem?


Disclaimer:  2WC does takes no sides on this issue (sort of), we choose to see humor from both perspectives.  We also recognize both the seriousness behind both arguments, and the need for change.


“Wall Street Protesters Look to Expand N.Y. Presence”: Reuters 

“Wall Street Protesters Spurs Online Dialogue on Inequity”: New York Times 

“Occupation Dispatch”: The New Yorker 

“Occupy Wall Street Protests: What Do the One Percent Think?” Washington Post 

“Protesters Rally in Downtown Chicago”: Chicago Tribune

bi-daily smile…

Just another story of the rich man keeping the little man down-

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