Presidential Election 2008
...yes I read The Post.
What excellent news to wake up to. Truly. In general, I try to keep politics off the blog and prefer to steer clear of rants (I'll save that for Brett Sills' blog), but once again, I'm proud to be an American. I proud to have gained another four years of not being grouped in with ignorance, like the Bush administration so generously offered.
I must say, I have been a bit homesick these days. After Hurricane Sandy hit my hometown, my mom being alone for several days in a cold, dark house with no electricity (luckily Charlotte is nice and plump and provides lots of kitty heat) to missing last night's election results, it's one of the few times in Paris that I long to be stateside.
Last night found me like most expats in Paris; at an American bar, trying to feel included in the festivities by drinking beer, speaking English, and watching CNN - even though there was nothing to report as it was only 2 pm on the East Coast.
The calmness of last night, although in excellent company, certainly didn't echo my previous presidential election of street dancing and screaming with pure excitement over Obama's first win. But hey, these are the small sacrifices one makes when deciding to become an expatriate. Although on the metro ride home, I did do my good energy shuffle complete with jazz hands for Séb. So this may have tipped the votes in favor of Obama, granting him his second win. If that was the case, you're so very welcome.
So what exactly did happen in 2008? Funny you should ask. Here, I'll give you a peek.
Picture it (literally). Election Day. 2008. Brooklyn.
Sheer madness. It really was a wonderful time to be in America.
The results of this presidential election was the best news I've heard all week (Lord knows I've been needing some!), and I send off a big congrats to President Obama! Work your magic and do us proud!
Speaking of congratulations, I'd like I send out another one to Mary-Kay at Out and About in Paris for her quotes in Le Monde! Kristen of the Kale Project and I were mentioned as well, but we were really the Vandellas to MK's Martha last night. Also, I was described as the young English professor. So sexy. The next fours years looks like it's already off to a good start!
How about you?
How did you spend your Election Day?