Diaries Magazine

Day 116: Rejoice!

Posted on the 07 September 2011 by Ellacoquine @ellacoquine
Day 116: Rejoice!Illustration by Carole Wilmet

I couldn't wait to share this, as somewhat expected, my test came out negative. It just wasn't possible. Birth control pills plus condoms doesn't equal baby. My married friends who have been trying for months couldn't stop from laughing from my hysteria. "Do you know how hard it is to conceive a baby?" my second cousin Mary pointed out to me. "We've been trying for months, no condoms, no birth control and on days that I'm ovulating and still no baby. So I doubt Sébastien's power sperm are going to bust through a condom and fertilize your Orthotricyclin-protected eggs!" She was absolutely right but stranger things have happened and especially to me. I needed the test to know for sure, I took three of them and all said no baby. Thank. God. Now the question is why have I been feeling so awful this past week? I'm not going to complain about my inflated breasts because I love checking them out but the nausea is concerning. Could it be stress? Possible. The new brand of fish oil that I have been taking? Perhaps, but not likely. Change of diet? I'm not eating anything outside of my normal Italian fare. What could it be...?

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