I know the concept and nature of this blog is more fun and certainly more positive than the last few posts but I can't help but feel completely violated that a connasse from Long Island dug through my things that were stashed away, chose what she wanted and fled the country leaving my flat in a Grey Gardens state. Saying that, I received an email from Katie, the thief in question who naturally denied the fact that she stole my things, offered that I must have been robbed by someone else and used the excuse that it wouldn't even have been possible because she didn't have room in her suitcase to take my things. Just as I was almost going to believe her alibi, I looked in my front closet and realized that she had stolen my large suitcase. How convenient. A perfect place to stash 'hot items'. This girl has an excuse for everything all while adding way too much information with the story taking major twists and turns à la Casey Anthony. Just writing that makes me sick. I. hate. Casey Anthony.
She (Katie not Casey) claimed that she worked at The Great American Bar by Saint Michel and when I called and questioned the manager in regards to her employment status, he had absolutely no idea whom I was talking about and said that he hasn't hired an American from New York all summer who had a million different names starting with the letter 'K'. So she's a sociopath as well. Awesome. I found a mysterious 80 euros stashed under a lamp (Was this compensation?) as well as my second set of keys (that she claimed were left in my apartment) in my mail box. So what, a Parisien fashion thief came into my apartment, stole girly handbags and party dresses, ignored the flat screen t.v, ipod dock, DVDs, box sets and the laptop that would be at their fingertips, locked the door behind them and knew my name so they could put the keys in the mailbox for me to conveniently find? Give me a break. My family's house has been robbed in the past and burglars do not 'close up' behind them making sure that the victims have their second set of keys. It just doesn't work that way.
Katie went on to say that she didn't want her life ruined over something she didn't do and that she was 'aggrivated' [sic] that she was automatically being accused. Well, I'm pretty aggravated too and just want my things back and this can all dissapear. Unfortunately when you flee an apartment, delete your facebook account and all internet traces, ignore e-mails, pretend you changed your number where you boyfriend calls me a c*nt (I can't even write it out) and tell a long winded story where none of the details add up, it doesn't exactly look good. Innocent people don't act like this. Casey Anthony people do.
I said it before and I'll say it again Katie, I want my shit back. (My dear readers: Feel free to re-post this. Merci.)