Diaries Magazine
Illustration from polyvore
This week has been way too long to say the very least. Too much has happened and unfortunately it's things that I don't even want to recount with you dear readers in my effort to move on from an otherwise frustrating situation. One day, maybe but certainly not tonight. I'm beat. I need to focus on what the point of this whole blog was, being positive and exorcising all bullshit from my life. I've done it before and I'll do it again.
Moving on from that, I received an e-mail this afternoon from my cousin Vinny (yes, I really have a "My Cousin Vinny") saying that he is going to be in Paris. Tonight. TONIGHT!? He wanted to surprise me before his wedding in two weeks because he knows it's been a rough rentrée for me and thought a little crazy Italiano time would be exactly what I need in order to jump start the autumn season, my favorite season. He's coming along with his friend Paul from Ireland and I have offered them my flat to camp out at while I stay at S