Today was a much better day! Phew! I knew it would be, a repeat performance of yesterday would have killed me. Really, I would have been writing this from the grave. But here I am, alive and kicking and...ready. for. the. weekend. Repeat. Ready. for. the. weekend.
So, I'm not sure if this has been going on for a long time and just hadn't noticed it but for the past two weeks, I have been receiving free promotional goodies in front of the métro. For example, last week, I got a shaving kit (which I needed), yesterday I was handed 4 maxi pads (as you all I know, I needed) and today, a packaged whole wheat brioche that I ripped open and noshed on while walking through the 16th (Eating on the street...I'm so American!). It's fantastic! It's like 'they' know exactly what I was about to purchase at the market but are beating me to the punch by handing it to me on the street. This works for me.
Having lived here for several years, I have never seen this. Is this new? Will it continue? Will I have to start paying taxes on free shit handed to me on the street? Well whatever the case may be, I like it and please continue. Free stuff makes people happy.
Friday cocktail hour is looming here in Paris and I'm about to close my work computer down but before I do that, wanted to share this song that has been on the Nova Radio roster this month that I'm just loving. This song is Friday night. Saying that, I wish you all a Bon week-end! I think we all need it...