Diaries Magazine
I'm starting to feel myself again these days. After yesterday, when I wrote that I haven't whole heartedly laughed in a while, that has changed. Lately, all of the pent up laughter that has been stored up for over two months has been pouring out like honey. I have been seeing the humor in things again. From getting weird e-mails from my new boss that don't quite make sense and chuckling with co-workers to try and make sense of his requests to goofy things like torturing my friend who is a cop about the validity of Law and Order. They are little things but that is who I am. Someone who loves to laugh.
I have broken out of my isolation and am chatting with friends from back home again and the trauma of the past two months is no longer the subject du jour. At all. I'm becoming interesting again!
30 Days works like a charm. It can only get better from here. I am now choosing to be the girl who I was pre-relationship. Someone who perseveres, someone who doesn't play the victim, someone who goes after what she wants in life, someone who is brave, someone who is actually fun to be around. What a concept! Well I'm pleased to say that this girl has been coming around more often than not and all I have to say is 'Welcome back'.