I don't love Father's Day, and for completely selfish reasons. Because I don't have one anymore. I lost him over 5 years ago to cancer. I feel more sad on this day than I do on his birthday or the anniversary of his death which to me is ironic because he hated Father's Day. He thought it was a bullshit holiday but didn't mind receiving phone calls wishing him a happy day giving him an excuse to express how much he hated this fabricated holiday. To say he was a bit salty would be an understatement but that's what I loved about him, he could be such a grouch!
Putting our drama aside, I received a text from Monsieur Flâneur saying that he was thinking about me, that he knows that my father is proud and whoever invented Father's Day is an asshole. I guess its true what they say, you really do end up dating your father.
Bonne Fête des Pères