Diaries Magazine

Day 42: Sleep It Off.

Posted on the 24 June 2011 by Ellacoquine @ellacoquine
After last night's attack, I took the day off from work and the gym and spent the day indoors sipping on ginger ale, eating gourmet meals of plain noodles and watching 'Friends'; a show that mysteriously comes on in English on France 4. During my repose, I received three texts from Monsieur Flâneur who was making a half-assed attempt to check up on me. The first was pretending that he "just" received a phone call from me and wanted to know what was up. The second was sticking to his story of my fauxncall and wanting to know what I wanted. Not one text was to ask how I was doing as he continued to stick to the lie that I had try to call him. Still feeling shaky and needing more soda and time to recuperate, I ignored his bullshit attempts to contact me and went back to sleep. 
After being woken up to the sound of his third text message which was an interrogation on what I was doing, I figured I'd respond. But not via text in fear of a childish back and forth text war, a phone call would start an argument and a visit would inspire me to punch him in the face, so I thought an e-mail would be the safest form of response, although he didn't really deserve any. I sent my final e-mail to him saying that I was surprised by his response or rather lack thereof but understood his choice to distance himself from me during what felt like a heart attack while someone was sitting on my throat preventing me from breathing and wished him well. I know how to send bullshit responses too.
Today is about securing new friendships, not relying on evil exes when you think you are about to die and getting your mother an international cell phone so she can pick up emergency phone calls. 
Bon week-end.

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