After another amazing date with Sebastien, I woke up feeling hopeful and relieved that I could genuinely enjoy the company of someone new; a concept that seemed out of the question not too long ago. I spent a relaxing Sunday alone doing things I love to do on a day off. I went for a jog along The Seine, prepared a basil, mozzerella and tomato omelette, walked down to La Pearl for an afternoon glass of Rosé while forcing myself to read the worst book I have ever purchased (no names) and received a proposal for...sex? Well this isn't very Sunday-like behavior.
After my afternoon on the terrace of La Pearl, I came upstairs to waste time on the internet and catch upon facebook chat with my cousin to discuss his upcoming wedding when I received an IM from Charles, my former roommate. Charles, one who was never big on small talk and who I haven't spoken to in a few months caught me by surprise. Charles and I lived together when I first came to Paris and even after living together for months, he kept a very private life and I didn't know much about him, so you can imagine my surprise when he wanted to shoot the breeze on facebook chat.
What seems like many moons ago now, his mysterious demeanor and the fact that he is strikingly good looking - I think Adonis was the word Phil used to describe him - intrigued me and I started developing feelings for him, proclaiming to my friends that I was in love with him and couldn't possibly go on any longer!
We made small talk which I was skeptically participating in because this scenario was just so out of character for Charles that I naturally assumed that he was either drunk or someone had hacked his account. We continued blandly recapping our weekends to each other before he launched into asking me if I had been seeing anyone since Monsieur Flâneur. I told him that I recently met someone that I have been spending time with but it was too soon to tell. He then asked me if we had slept together yet. Ok, pushing closer to more weird than normal because Charles is someone who at one point I was convinced was an alien for his lack of emotion and his superb programming talents. I wearily told him no which then inspired him to inform me that I didn't need a website to find sex and that he was always available. Always? Since when? If this were almost two years ago, I would have been less disgusted by his offer but today, I was just that and even a bit insulted. I haven't spoke to him in months and believe that I had called him semi-recently in regards to needing apartment sublet advice in which he did not respond but now he was offering his services? A Plan cul! A word every anglo wanting to speak French dreams of learning.
I thanked him for thinking about me but due to the fact that it was Sunday and I had work in the morning I politely declined his ...generous offer? He then responded with "Don't worry, I'll be quick, I'm in good shape." Well in that case.
Although his offer was tempting as I was just staying home with my Queen Helene Mint Julep face mask and drying off my sticky self tanner due to the fact that Paris wasn't offering much of a tan-potential Summer, I had to decline. I want to start off the potential of a new relationship on a good note and boffing your estranged former roommate who was offering a quick in and out service is a far cry from a healthy start.
Today is about making healthy choices. Damn almost turning 30...!