Self Expression Magazine

D.C. #CJBL Twitter Chat Recap, Join The Conversation

Posted on the 02 December 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Last week Curvy Ceo, Erika, and Jese (the ladies joining me at the D.C Chasing Joy Brunch and Learn hosted a Twitter Chat to give you all a sneak peak at what the conversation will be like at the DC. Brunch.
With the brunch going down on January 11th the conversation will focus on starting the new year with goals that include having happiness as a priority, thinking about how our style affects how we feel about ourselves, how others perceive us, and how  feeling good about ourselves  inside and out can help us have more Joy.
The #CJBL Chat focused on those same topics. Check out some of the tweets from the chat below.  Feel free to reply or retweet.  Join the conversation!!!
[View the story "#CJBL Twitter Chat Recap" on Storify]

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