Self Expression Magazine

Dear 2011

Posted on the 01 January 2012 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Dear 2011Dear 2011,
Oh what a year we had.  Overall I think we were pretty good together.  In a way I am sad to see  you go.  It feels as though our time together was so short.  These past 12 months have flow by.  But boy did we accomplish a lot.
  • January - You helped me except the fact that while my life has not turned to be that perfect picture I envisioned I can start a Fresh Canvas for Joy.
  • February - You showed all the ways I could feel good by offering Help to others.
  • March - You helped me stand firmly in my Thirties and accept that I am now Thirty Plus One (soon plus two)
  • April - You taught me that I could find strength in looking good when a volunteering situation did go how I imagined.
  • May - You helped my survive both The Rapture and a visit from my ex.
  • June - You helped me have a little Joy on the Grill for the first time since my dad died.
  • July - You showed me goal setting can be fun when you create a Joy Board and helped me get my very first blogger award.
  • August - You gave me the idea to not just feel good on Friday but to Flashback on Friday.
  • September - You had me develop a stronger Joy Chasing Community by inviting other writers to be a Weekend Guest on Chasing Joy.
  • October - You took me to my first Blog Conference and started telling everyone all about it. 
  • November - You helped me strive for 100 Acts of Joy.
  • December - You prepared me for your exit by identifying 12 things I will not need in 2012.
2011 we really did have a great time. You were much more fun and easy going than your predecessor 2010.  In addition to all of the things I've listed you showed me and my family many blessings.  My mom entered a less stressful stage in her career.  My brother has prospered in many areas. My friends are doing well and seem to be Chasing Joy in ways that suit them.  2011 you took me to a blog conference, to Jamaica, and to church about 5 times (a personal record :-).
In a way I am sad to see you go 2011 but I am excited to find out what 2012 has in store for me. 
What would you like to say to 2011?  What were some of the highlights of 2011?

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