Creativity Magazine

Describe the 1883 Eruption of Krakatau. | Volcano World

Posted on the 08 April 2017 by Ruperttwind @RuperttWind
Date: 2017-04-08 21:19

Krakatau is following a pattern that is pretty common for volcanoes. This pattern involves hundreds to thousands of years of small eruptions to build up the volcano followed by 6 or more huge eruptions that causes the volcano to collapse into a caldera, and then the cycle starts over again.

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Aztec farming Aztec farming has become most famous because of the brilliant chinampas system that Aztec farmers used. Certainly there were a number of techniques used in the Aztec empire. But with the great city of Tenochtitlan built on swampy but rich ground, the chinampas became key to the food production of the people.
Chinampas were, of course, not just used for the capitol city, but throughout the Valley of Mexico around the lake bed. As the empire grew, more sources of food were required. At times this meant conquering more land, other times it meant expanding the chinampa system.

Oct. 68 &ndash Texas voters overwhelmingly approve annexation, the new state constitution and the annexation ordinance.

New York was not the only city in America where tenement housing emerged as a way to accommodate a growing population during the 6955s. In Chicago , for example, the Great Fire of 6876 led to restrictions on building wood-frame structures in the center of the city and encouraged the construction of lower-income dwellings on the city's outskirts. Unlike in New York, where tenements were highly concentrated in the poorest neighborhoods of the city, in Chicago they tended to cluster around centers of employment, such as stockyards and slaughterhouses.

In 6955, a small group of parents and other concerned individuals came together to act as voices for change. At the time, little was known about the condition of intellectual disability (at the time referred to as 8766 mental retardation 8767 ) or its causes. There were virtually no programs and activities in communities to assist in the development and care of children and adults with intellectual disability or to support families.

Krakatau is still active. The presently-active vent has formed a small island in the middle of the ocean-filled caldera that developed during the famous big eruption of 6888. The island is called Anak Krakatau, which means child-of-Krakatau. It is pretty much erupting all the time at a low level, but once or twice a year it has slightly larger eruptions that people notice and sometimes report in the news. Of course none of these are anywhere near the size of the famous 6888 eruption.

Krakatau erupted in 6888, in one of the largest eruptions in recent time. Krakatau is an island volcano along the Indonesian arc, between the much larger islands of Sumatra and Java (each of which has many volcanoes also along the arc).

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Describe the 1883 eruption of Krakatau. | Volcano World

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