Creativity Magazine

Do You Have a Vizify Bio?

Posted on the 17 August 2013 by Art Of Mob @artofmob
I just created a Vizify Bio which includes a cool video to sum up my Twitter activity.  I wish there was a way to embed the video, but you can check it out here and create one of your own!
Have you created one yet?  If so, leave a link in the comments so I can check it out.
The bio includes several pages including a home page (below)
Do You Have a Vizify Bio?
There's also a links page that you can customize as you like to include all of your online locations
Do You Have a Vizify Bio?
A fun feature is the Locations page which is an animated display of all the places you have called Home.
Do You Have a Vizify Bio?
I do have a wish list which I've sent to the creators of Vizify:
Ability to embed the Twitter video on a blog sidebar
Contact link on the Home page

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