What is the most important lesson you learned as a child, and who taught it to you?
Like almost every lesson I learned as a child my most important one was taught to me by one of my parents, my mom. As a kid whenever I wanted my mom to do something, not do something, give me something, etc... and she refused I would say, "that's not nice". She would quickly and without fail reply, "who says I have to be nice". I of course would not have an answer and would be annoyed.
Fast forward twenty years, I am so glad my mom was not nice. LOL Actually my mom is a nice person and my number one supporter. Her regularly telling me "who says I have to be nice" has given me more confidence to do what I want and what I need to do to take care of me as an adult. Most people who know me would consider me a nice person but I am not overly concerned with that. I do not do things because I feel obligated by the "nice person" label to do them. Guilt trips are not very effective on me. I have had an easier time saying no than lots of my peers.
Basically "who says I have to be nice" has freed me to not feel like I have to live up to some predetermined societal nice girl expectation. I can live up to my own expectations based on my own values and moral compass. I am a nice person because I want to be. I am a happy person because my niceness is my own choice and not because someone said I had to be nice.
So, in case you did not know, you do not have to be nice. Instead I'd rather you be joyful and confident in your own values and moral compass.
Do you fall into the nice girl trap? Do you find yourself doing things or exhibiting certain behaviors out of fear that if you don't you wont be perceived as nice?
This is a NaBloPoMo inspired post.