Diaries Magazine

Don't Worry, I'm Still Awesome. Possibly Even Awesomer. No, Seriously.

Posted on the 24 April 2012 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
As you all know, I spent a frustrated month jobless, penniless, and for a good part of it, carless, when I first arrived in Charleston.  The internet was my best friend, and I regaled you with more than you probably even wanted in the way of posts.
Well, my friends, I spent the next month after that doing precisely the opposite.  I have been living, working, exploring, cooking, singing, dancing, writing, walking, sunbathing, drinking, playing, and connecting with people.  I discovered new bars, I found a natural grocery, I made a bunch of friends, I saw Titanic in 3D and cried for half the film, I had wild, incredible sex that left marks for weeks.  I kissed slowly, gently, spending a half an hour stroking and being tenderly stroked in return.  I finally saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.  I got to season 5 of Doctor Who.  I discovered Game of Thrones, and I danced all night in the only gay club in town.
I have lived this last month, deeply and fully.  And I return to you refreshed, energized, and in many ways a slightly different person than I was.  Scratch that.  Not different, really...more like stronger.
I have no plans to give up on this blog.  Please don't worry, and I hope I haven't freaked anyone out.  Just take it like a really long vacation.
I can't even apologize, you guys, because I got too much out of that time.  I think I've lived more in the past month than I have in the past six.  Life is a crazy mess of shit and heartache and pain, but good lord is it beautiful.
OH!  Also, I wrote the best poem I've ever written.  It's good enough that even I accept it.  I think, in my head, I just became a writer.
I am so truly, deeply, honestly happy, I could just keel over.  Bless you all.  I love you.  Thank you for all the support you've given  me, and may each of you find peace and wonder in your lives.
More soon.

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