Creativity Magazine


Posted on the 31 May 2012 by Sarahkasm @Sarahkasm
The boys hollered
Slogans and cheered
As it veered round the bend
At a hundred and twenty
It hit a bump in the road
And flipped
Fast and furious seconds in slow motion,
Standing there mesmerized by
Every detail that occurred in the next five seconds
It takes five seconds to lose a life
Five seconds for a car to flip
One, two, three, four, five, six...
A dust storm of metal and glass
The sand was in his eyes, so he stopped counting
But still watching, it came towards them
The boys scattered, and he remained standing
All those seconds watching the window,
Left side, back seat
The window was open
He watched as the head came out first
As the torso followed
And by the seventh spin,
Mohamed was up in the air
His brother landed
Two feet away from him.
The boys stopped cheering
There was only screaming:
Ya Allah, Ya Allah
Someone found an arm
In their midst.
Neither he, nor Mohamed
Drifted again.

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By Sarahkasm
posted on 31 May at 14:15
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The original poem is slightly different, See original: