Self Expression Magazine

…drink to Your Health

Posted on the 07 April 2016 by Zer @the2women

beerToday brings together two perspectives that may at first glance seem at odds, but I have a feeling that by the end of this post, we can come to an agreement.

I am of course referring to today’s two “holidays” National Beer Day and World Health Day. It’s an ironic combination, to be sure. However, health and beer do occasionally cross each other’s paths, if only at the finish line of just about every major road race. It’s true.

But wait, the health benefits don’t end there, various studies have found that beer (in moderate amounts) can lower your risk of heart disease, boost your creativity (or your own perception of your genius), aid in workout recovery (I refer you back to my running point), and more.

So really, I have to take back my previous statement. Beer Day and Health Day are practically synonyms, now go forth and drink (responsibly) to your health.

…bi-daily smile…


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