It’s no big surprise that World Poetry Day would inspire a couplet or two,
And today (for some reason), my mind’s on the Arts and ALL of the good they can do.
Poetry, painting, music, and dance, the Arts can move us all,
Through delight, inspiration, education, and of course, their infinite power to enthrall.
A world without art is a miserable thought, just think of all that we’d lose.
From movies to TV to literature and more, it’s not a fate I would choose.
Yet the powers that be seem to think that it’s smart when balancing nickels and dimes,
To leave not a cent for these valuable things. Who thought that we would live in such times?
Access to the Arts is a thing to be treasured and not seen as “one more expense,”
Yet this argument seems to still fall on deaf ears, and frankly, it’s making me tense.
So on this day (and all days), take a moment, my friend, to think of all of the art,
The poems, music, paintings, and plays, and all of the good they impart.
…bi-daily smile…