Rocket Women - From Venus to MarsThe world famous “India's Mars Orbiter Mission” has around 500 talented engineers working day and night. While the domination of men could be seen clearly, the magnificent ladies could not be overlooked. Below are two of super mom's:
The list goes on and on, starting from engineers to scientists to researchers. Women have taken up a clearly visible and active role in India’s space program. We have proved to the world that yes it’s possible. The day is not far when stories like this would not be stories anymore and generations would say “So What!”.
While we are flying high in air and helping other do that, a fellow blogger went out to find the status of some female IITans out of curiosity. Check out thecomplete post here – Lokvani. Her finding made me even proud of myself as a woman. Below were her findings as on 2 December 2013
Image Source
Dr. Parvati Dev (IIT KGP+ PHD) is the IIL's President and CEO. While, I am not sure about present, but she has also been a Principal Investigator at Stanford University School of Medicine as per the link - http://havnet.stanford.edu/people/parvati.htmlImage Source
Vinita Gupta (IIT Roorkee + M.S. in electrical engineering from University of California Los Angeles) is founder and chairman of Digital Link Corporation (now Quick Eagle Networks). She is also known as the first woman of Indian. Here is her Wiki Profile
News Sources:http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-25989262http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/the-men-and-women-behind-indias-mars-mission-671979
This post is written as a part of April 2015 A to Z Challenge. My theme for this year is Women In A to Z Professions. Click at the link to check other professions women have excelled in and their respective links.