Self Expression Magazine

…eat It up

Posted on the 10 February 2016 by Zer @the2women


Happy Mardi Gras!

For many, today marks the final day before Lent, during which the surplus of Fat Tuesday give way to deprivation (and/or better habits)—the perfect chance for a second shot at those New Year’s resolutions you’ve let slide. For everyone else, it’s a perfectly good excuse to party on a Tuesday, and you have my blessing (whatever that’s worth).

Tomorrow we sacrifice, but tonight we party! (…with a certain level of responsibility, it is Tuesday folks.) As today is a day of excess, it seems only appropriate that it should coincide with National Pizza Day (not to be confused with National Pizza With Everything [Except Anchovies] Day, which is celebrated on November 12).

But however you choose to celebrate today, do it safely…please. See you on the other side, folks.

…bi-daily smile…

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