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Educational Psychology Interactive: Readings in

Posted on the 10 April 2017 by Ruperttwind @RuperttWind
Date: 2017-04-10 21:15 More videos "Reengineering essay rubric for college"

Adding, surely there are different varieties of oligarchy? Just because the Americans got rid of primogeniture didn 8767 t mean they got rid of oligarchy as such. Consider factoring slavery into your discussion, for example.

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At the risk of being too active on this subject, I will try to take a speculative bite at this very interesting question. For me, I remember what management at ML told me when I started, create an activity pattern and productivity will come - or in their vernacular 8775 act as if you are king 8776 .

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And then there are the more direct parts of the oppression, like the drug war. Putting someone in jail for possession of a controlled substance is pretty much the antithesis of property rights. Of course the busybodies don 8767 t put themselves in jail for drug use.

In Veblen 8767 s producer / predator analysis, the major struggle in modern economies is the one between industry and business , is immensely valuable. Capitalists who want to build the billion home solar power systems we need? Good even if they are still capitalists. But, capitalists who want to stymie the move to renewables, like the Koch brothers, in order to continue profiting from fossil fuels? Or capitalists who want to identify and buy up emerging companies in renewables and add them to their already immense corporate empires, such as General Electric, and cartelize the industry? Bad.

For example, people related to my ancestors stole the Penobscot 8767 s land some centuries ago, though a combination of chicanery and being better armed. That doesn 8767 t mean I would not face social sanction and censure if I stole my neighbor 8767 s land today (unless I could work out how to do it under color of law).

And here 8767 s an interesting note about a popular PBS program hosted by neoliberal economist Milton Friedman:
page 99: 8775 A TV version of Milton Friedman 8767 s Free to Choose was funded with a grant from Scaife in 6977. 8776
Later on, Richard Mellon Scaife funded the 8775 Arkansas Project 8776 which sought to undermine the Clinton presidency and which led to the impeachment proceedings against Clinton.

Where did you read about old European oligarchs as the source of money for the Mont Pelerin Society? I recall nothing from Mirowski 8767 s book which made even a suggestion of old European funding though certainly Hayek was European part of the so-called Austrian School. But Karl Marx was European, and unless you pull England further from the continent than the separation of the Channel, Adam Smith was European.

Do you really spend your time reading this kind of stuff? I thought Mirowski was a difficult read but I think the guys you referenced are trying way too hard.

The problems of excessive concentration of wealth and power are very much up my alley. Public policy has been at the heart of creating that circumstance over the past few decades.

Educational Psychology Interactive: Readings in

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